martes, 19 de abril de 2011


I am  going to comment something about Aleyda Linares 's Project "Building teaching skills though the Interactive Web Report".

She planned her project giving the background about the class and the students. First of all, she describes the class and the students. I like this step because the project informs us about some detalis of the Audience ( students).

Then she describes her settings. I think it's necessary because if we don't have a good classroom or a technology lab, it could be impossible to apply the project.
After that, she explains her goals that involve development of students's skills using technology. I think this is the Behavior.

Next she explains how the students were adapted to the use of blogs by using technology and how the students changed their opinions and their attitude. I think this is the Condition.
Finally, as a result of this project students feel happy, learn better grammar and have fun. I think this is the Deggree.

I guees this could be a good guide for me to do my project in the future.

About my project, I realize that using blogs is very important in the teaching-learning proccess of
acquaintanceship of English. Consequently, I would like to apply the blog system in my students.

The audience: will be the students of the first level of the language school of the Central University.

The behavior: apply the usage of technology at the English teaching proccess. We will teach the use of DO and DOES and short and long answers in the daily life.

The condition: once a week students will post on their blogs some specific information about their daily activities. The topic will be send at the beginning of the week and the deadline of posting the assigments will be on Sunday at noon.

The Degree: the teacher will take in count the grammar learned in class and the well structured sentences. Also, the grade will be asigned by the next rubrics:
Assigment posted on time
Well structured sentence
Quality of work
No plagiarism       

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Luis,

    Although we were supposed to pick only one report, I have also read that one you describe. I'll also work with blogs, so reading that report will also help me design mine. By reading those results, we can anticipate some problems we might have!


  2. Hi Luis
    I think your project is interesting because blogs can motivate your students. I've realized that you are using the ABCD model when you describe your project, and also you will use rubbrics to assess your students. It's excellent how you're applying this online course.

