domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Week 2: Summary Week

Hello classmates.
I think  this week has been succesful, because I have learnt a lot of new things.
First of all, I got information about search engines. Before starting this course, I thaught there were only one or two search engines, but when I looked for information i realized that there are a lot of ways. I was looking for additional information about learning objectives and ABCD model. We have to encourage students to use different kind of on line searchers.
Next, I learnt what ABCD model is. A for Audience, B for Behavior, C for Condition and d for  Degree. I supposed  that there was only one point of view about this model, but when i entered into I found out  there are a lot information about it, and we can apply it in different ways, according to the necessities, and I discovered that the initials of the ABCD Model could have other meaning, too for example: A for Actions.
Finally, I began with the first step to make a Task Proyect. I have to describe my class,to give information about some details of my class. I told my tutor that I work with 30 students. They take classes four hours a day every Saturday, and they belong from different schools of the university. Their ages are between 22 and 30. They take classes of English as a requirenment before graduation. We don´t have access to Internet in class now, so they have to do on line assigments at home or in a Cafenet. I´m sure that we will have new technology in the future two years later, because there is a  project to  constuct a new building for the Institute of Languages of the Central University of Ecuador.

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